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What if nothing’s happening when I meditate?

What about those inevitable meditation sessions when it seems especially tedious, or boring, or like you can’t “get into it”? The good news is that important changes are still happening in your brain. “Oh, yeah, wow, now I get it, that was amazing!” After meditating a few times, you might have a session where you feel something special, or where …

Taming the Wild Amygdala…and compassionately breaking emotional habits

A friend of mine calls them “The Toothpaste Tube Wars.” In some households, they’re the “Battle of the Toilet Seat” or the “Why-on-Earth-Do-You-Load-the-Dishwasher-Like-That Police Action.” They start with a small skirmish over something minor, and quickly escalate into a heated battle. Over. And. Over. Again. We can get so caught up in emotional habits — like getting all worked up …